
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
The Millennium or In a Thousand Years
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Season 3: Episode 2
Hi everyone out there! I hope this podcast finds you in good health. In light of the coronavirus pandemic we’re all living through right now, I’ve decided to dedicate Season 3 to all the kids and parents at home with each other, looking for things and activities to do.
Though I try to keep everything clean, language-wise, normally the show is not exclusive to children. I often put a disclaimer at the front of any show I think has content that might not be suitable for kids under twelve. But you parents don’t have to worry about that for Season 3. Every episode for this season will be completely appropriate for kids of any age.
So I’ll be posting an episode every day for twenty days.
And I am excited because we're going through some works of the very famous Danish fairytale author Hans Christian Andersen.
If you’ve never heard of Hans Christian Andersen, you’re probably familiar with some movies that are based on stories he wrote. The most recent one would be Frozen, which was based off his story “The Snow Queen.”
He also wrote a fairytale called “The Little Mermaid,” which I’m sure you’re all familiar with as well.
Hans Christian Anderson was born in Denmark and lived from 1805 to 1875. He was good friends with another famous writer of his time by the name of Charles Dickens. He wrote many things, but he’s most famous and remembered for his fairytales.
I hope you enjoy the show!
If you do happen to write a story based on the prompt and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, I’d love to check it out. You can email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com. Just include your name and where you’re from and which prompt your story is based off of.
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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And if you enjoy the show, please subscribe and write a positive review on iTunes or the medium of your choice for me. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Stay healthy and safe. Please join us tomorrow. Until then...

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
The Emperor's New Clothes
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Season 3: Episode 1
Hi everyone out there! I hope this podcast finds you in good health. In light of the coronavirus pandemic we’re all living through right now, I’ve decided to dedicate Season 3 to all the kids and parents at home with each other, looking for things and activities to do.
Though I try to keep everything clean, language-wise, normally the show is not exclusive to children. I often put a disclaimer at the front of any show I think has content that might not be suitable for kids under twelve. But you parents don’t have to worry about that for Season 3. Every episode for this season will be completely appropriate for kids of any age.
So I’ll be posting an episode every day for twenty days.
And I am excited because we're going through some works of the very famous Danish fairytale author Hans Christian Andersen.
If you’ve never heard of Hans Christian Andersen, you’re probably familiar with some movies that are based on stories he wrote. The most recent one would be Frozen, which was based off his story “The Snow Queen.”
He also wrote a fairytale called “The Little Mermaid,” which I’m sure you’re all familiar with as well.
Hans Christian Anderson was born in Denmark and lived from 1805 to 1875. He was good friends with another famous writer of his time by the name of Charles Dickens. He wrote many things, but he’s most famous and remembered for his fairytales.
I hope you enjoy the show!
If you do happen to write a story based on the prompt and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, I’d love to check it out. You can email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com. Just include your name and where you’re from and which prompt your story is based off of.
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
Follow us:
And if you enjoy the show, please subscribe and write a positive review on iTunes or the medium of your choice for me. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Stay healthy and safe. Please join us tomorrow. Until then...

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Writing Prompts 3
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Season 2: Episode 10
So what I decided to do for this last episode of Season 2 is dig through my little notebook of story ideas. Find three of them and use them as writing prompts to write three different stories, in the same way I did on the two episodes I had my sons on.
I put myself on a ten-minute timer for each prompt, but honestly, just like the snooze button in the morning, I had to press that re-start button a few times. So each story took roughly an hour to write. Not bad. But I don’t want to give any false impressions of my abilities.
At some point, hopefully next year, I plan on compiling all these quick writing prompt stories into a collection I’ll be marketing towards children, ages 8-13 I think. I say that just so you know these tales aren’t meant to be “serious literary fiction.” They’re short, they’re silly, often parabolic, sometimes not, but hopefully always entertaining.
And as always, if you, yourself, have written a story you’d like me to read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email: storykingpodcast@gmail.com. If I like it, I just might use it. Try to keep your story between 1-3 thousand words. Again, that’s storykingpodcast@gmail.com.
And if you’d like to be a part of what we’re doing on The Story King, please consider becoming a patron. You can visit my page at www.patreon.com/thestorykingThe link will be in the show notes.
If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s a very practical and tangible way to support your favorite content creators, so they have the resources they need to continue producing more great content.
I have three monthly subscription tiers you can choose from on Patreon. A $5, $10, and $20 option.
Any of those will give you immediate access to exclusive content and more.
So please consider becoming a Story King patron. You can check out the details of those subscription tiers on my page: Patreon.com/thestoryking
Please follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
And if you enjoy the show, please subscribe and write a positive review on iTunes or the medium of your choice for me. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for listening to The Story King podcast, where great stories are read, discussed and given their due honor. Please join us next time, until then…

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Story King Tips
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Season 2: Episode 9
So today is the first installment of writing advice for the podcast. I’m calling these episodes Story King Tips. And the first topic we’re dealing with will be methods for writing longer stories. I’ll be going over three in particular: Interweaving storylines, multiple perspectives and then we’ll talk a little bit about the use of flashbacks.
But why talk about any of this in the first place? Perhaps, you’re already a novelist and you don’t struggle with writing long-form fiction. In which case, this episode may not be for you. But if you’re like me, you might need some help.
I’m primarily a short story and novella writer. I can write up 20,000 words comfortably, but beyond that, it starts falling apart for me. I can’t keep the story together. I get bored with it.
And I hate fluff. I want my stories to have the least amount of erroneous information. I don’t want needless scenes. And generally, I’m always able to tell my stories in a relatively short time span. For me, five thousand words is already too long for a short story. I write them sometimes, but I usually feel like I’ve done something wrong. Like I’m being long-winded or something.
I’m much more comfortable keeping my fiction short.
So writing a full-fledged novel has been a dream, but a challenge for me.
So I’ve been thinking about different ways of writing longer stories based on things I’ve read and movies I’ve seen. So we’re going to discuss them today.
Enjoy the show!
If you've written a story you’d like me to read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a ten-minute story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com.
And if you’d like to be a part of what we’re doing on The Story King, please consider becoming a patron. You can visit my page at www.patreon.com/thestoryking
If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s a very practical and tangible way to support your favorite content creators, so they have the resources they need to continue producing more great content.
I have three monthly subscription tiers you can choose from on Patreon. A $5, $10, and $20 option. All include receiving exclusive content. So be sure to check those out. Again that’s at www.Patreon.com/thestoryking
Please follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
And if you enjoy the show, please subscribe and write a positive review on iTunes or the medium of your choice for me. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for listening to The Story King podcast, where great stories are read, discussed and given their due honor. Please join us next time, until then…

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Grimm Fairy Tales (part 3)
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Season 2: Episode 8
Today is the last installment of our three-part series of The Grimm's Fairy Tales!
The two stories we’re reading today are “Tom Thumb” and “Rumpelstiltskin.”
If you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Grimm Fairy Tales (part 2)
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Season 2: Episode 7
Today we dive into the second of our three-part series of The Grimm's Fairy Tales!
As I mentioned last time, The Grimm’s Fairy Tales are some of the most famous stories in the world. First published in Germany in 1812 and written by two brothers, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, and the original title for the work was “Children’s and Household Tales.”
The two stories we’re reading from the collection today are “Hansel and Gretel” and then “Rapunzel.”
I decided to keep the age disclaimer in the front of this episode, because these fairy tales can sometimes be a bit more brutal to hear and read than the cartoon versions we might’ve seen. My five-year-old was fine with it, but that’s an individual parental decision. Some kids might be more sensitive than others, so I always want to make sure I give fair warning, and then the parent can decide for themselves. And just as a side note, I personally enjoy these stories as an adult and find them fascinating and important to the world’s canon of literature, so I don’t look at them as simply old children’s stories, but rather tales to be read and studied by readers and writers alike.
If you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
The Oscars 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Season 2. Episode 6
Today we take a break from our Grimm Fairy Tales series to review the nominations for this year's 92nd Academy Awards, which will air next Sunday, February 9, at 8 PM EST.
I went ahead and watched every single film we’re going to talk about today with the exception of Pain and Glory with Antonio Banderas, so my thoughts on Best Actor will not reflect his performance, because I didn’t see it.
But what I’m going to do is tell you what I think of each film, and then let you know which movie I think should win, and which one I think will actually win.
There will be some spoilers, but not too many. I’m not breaking any of these films down scene by scene or doing any kind of critical analysis. That said, there will be some spoilers here and there. Nothing major. I’ll keep it light.
And as always, if you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Grimm Fairy Tales (part 1)
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Season 2: Episode 5
Today we dive into the first of our three-part series of The Grimm's Fairy Tales!
The Grimm’s Fairy Tales are some of the most famous stories in the world. They were first published in Germany in 1812. They were written by two brothers, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, and the original title for the work was “Children’s and Household Tales.”
The first story we’re reading today is “Little Red Riding Hood,” also known as “Little Red Cap,” (doesn’t have the same ring to it, I know), and the second is “Snow-White and Rose Red.” Now just a disclaimer, this is not the same Snow White story that Disney based their movie from. That one is also a Grimm’s tale, but this one’s different. So if you’re wondering why there’s no queen or seven dwarfs, that would be why.
If you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Writing Prompt Episode 2 (with my three sons)
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Season 2: Episode 4
Back by popular demand. I have my three sons on the show again, ages 11, 9, and 5. I've asked each of them to think of writing prompts for me. Then I time myself to write the stories and read them on the show.
Let's see how I did this week!
If you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Writing Prompt Episode 1 ( with my three sons)
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Season 2: Episode 3
Switching things up a bit.
I'm very excited to have my three sons on The Story King today, ages 11, 9, and 5. I've asked them to think of writing prompts for me. Then I time myself to write each story and read them on the show. Enjoy!
If you've written a short story and would like the chance for it to be read on the show, or if you have a writing prompt for me to write a story, please email it to storykingpodcast@gmail.com
Support The Story King Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/thestoryking and get immediate access to exclusive content!
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Thank you for listening to The Story King Podcast where great stories are read, discussed, and given their due honor. Please join us next time. Until then...